16 Week Total Fitness with TONE & BLOOM:

Embark on a 16-week journey to fitness excellence with my exclusive combo bundle, featuring 8 Week TONE and 8 Week BLOOM Programs. This carefully curated package is your roadmap to a transformative fitness experience. Begin with 8 Week TONE, a program crafted to build lean muscle and foundational strength. Then, elevate your routine with 8 Week BLOOM, challenging you with more advanced exercises for deeper muscle engagement and fitness progression. Ideal for both fitness beginners and enthusiasts, this bundle offers a comprehensive, structured approach to help you achieve and surpass your fitness aspirations. Transform your physique, enhance your stamina, and experience a significant evolution in both your physical and athletic abilities. Start your transformative journey today and see where 16 weeks can take you! ✨

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Client Testimonials

"The 8 week program is really excellent! Easy to follow, straight forward description of each workout, time-efficient, and well rounded. Nice to not 'watch a video'...you can use whatever music or stream a show during the workout. Highly recommend it."

- Carrie C.

"I love this program! I’m on Week 5 and I have gained 2 pounds of muscle and lost about that much in fat (according to my Renpho scale/app). I couldn’t wear my size 8 Calvin Klein jeans before starting and now my size 6 ones are loose. Thank you!!"

- Vicki S.

“Do it! I'm on week 6 & it is 100% transforming my body.”

- Stephanie J.


What's included in the Bundle?

16 weeks of challenging workouts from the comfort of your home or gym! Click into each program above to learn more.

You will have access to the workout videos showing you each movement and their accompanying PDF's. The videos are for instructional purposes since rest periods may vary and this will give you the ability to train at your own pace! Watch the videos so that you can properly perform each exercise and perfect your form. I also encourage you to take pictures so that you can track your progress!

When beginning a fitness program, remember to focus on quality movements while performing each exercise and take your time. If you feel like you need to increase/decrease the difficulty of certain exercises, simply increase/decrease weight for that exercise.

Can I start anytime?

Yes! You can begin when it's most convenient for you with lifetime access!

Can I switch up the days?

Consistency is key. I would try to be as consistent as possible. The reason why I say this is because once you are consistent when working specific body parts, your body will begin to recognize that muscle group and continue to build from where you started. If you feel like you need to change a day to better accommodate your schedule, please do! However, I will ask that you stay consistent to maximize your training and progress.

What equipment do I need?

You will need access to the following equipment whether at the gym or at home (some are optional since it depends on your fitness level):

  • Dumbbells
  • Resistance band
  • Mat
  • Bench (or similar)
  • Barbell*
  • Kettlebell*
  • Leg weights (optional)

*Barbell and kettlebell can be substituted with dumbbells.

In terms of dumbbell weight range, I would recommend having pairs of dumbbells from 5-30lbs, as well as a barbell or single dumbbell that can go up to 40-60lbs (for exercises like squats, hip thrusts, etc). Most of my ladies like to start off with an easier weight and gradually increase. Exercises should feel challenging while maintaining proper form.

Amazon Storefront listing the equipment that I use:


Where do I access each program?

All programs are available on the Teachable platform where you will create your own login. The programs are accessible via the Teachable iOS App, or login via your tablet, desktop, laptop, airplay to your TV, you name it! You will have lifetime access so that you can go back to them whenever you would like!

Other questions?

Please don't hesitate to reach out to me at:

[email protected]